My company is relocating an assignee to the Netherlands

We need relocation services

Your company is relocating an assignee to the Netherlands. You want to give your employee the best possible start but don’t really know where to begin

RELOCONSULT will arrange a free introduction call with the assignee to understand his/her needs and design a tailor-made relocation package.

I highly recommend Fabienne for relocation services. This was our first international move and we needed a lot of hand holding and Fabienne was always there for us. She was quick to respond to questions with patience and kindness. She found a place for us to live in that we have loved. Her advice was excellent and I would recommend her services without hesitation.

Julie and Jim M.

Pre-orientation Trip
Our experience has shown that a pre-orientation trip lays the foundation to a successful relocation. Once the location of the workplace is set, it is often a challenge to find the ideal place to live, while taking into account the commuting time for the assignee and his/her partner and if there are children, the location of their school. During a pre-orientation trip, we will give advice about the possible options, visiting different cities and areas, explaining access to public transportation and commuting routes. We will show different properties at different price points to make sure the assignee understands the local real estate market and has realistic expectations towards his/her international move.
Pre-orientation Trip
Home Search
There is nothing more personal than housing expectations and finding the right home is key to settling in quickly in a new country. Once we fully understand the needs of the assignee, we will take him/her on a tour to view available rental properties. Our tours are generally one or two days long, depending on the assignee’s availability and scope of the search. Once the the right property has been identified, we will negotiate the rental agreement on behalf of the assignee. We verify and explain the contract, help with check-in and connecting utilities.
Home Search
Immigration Services
RELOCONSULT works in a partnership with immigration lawyers to obtain required visas, MVV, residence- and work permits for non EU citizens. Our consultants assist in the field with IND (Immigration) and GGD (Health) authorities.
Immigration Services
School Search
When children are involved in the relocation process, we have experienced that finding the right educational solution is the most important step to start with. Thankfully the offer is wide in the Netherlands: IB schools, American School (AP program), British school (A –levels program), German School, Lycée Francais, European School and local Dutch schools with integration programs. We are proud to say that we have a very deep knowledge and understanding of the different options and will guide you to the best choice for your child/children.
School Search
Settling-in Services
Once an assignee has arrived in the Netherlands, a number of tasks have to be completed: Registering at the town hall and obtaining a BSN number, contracting with health insurance, opening a bank account, exchanging a driver’ s license, setting up accounts for utilities and internet, finding an English-speaking family doctor... All these tasks can easily become a mountain of hassles. We will take you smoothly through all the needed steps.
Settling-in Services
Departure Services
When it’s time leave the Netherlands, you want your employee, to focus fully on the next move. We will help the assignee to properly terminate all on-going contracts such as insurance, utilities and phone accounts. We make sure that the assignee has un-registered from the town hall and the immigration authority. We assist with the check-out of the rental property and monitor the return of the rental deposit. Our departures services give the assignee and his/her employer peace of mind that everything has been terminated in good order and that someone local can do the necessary follow-ups.
Departure Services
Car Import from EU Countries
According to expats who jumped into the challenge of registering their car in the Netherlands themselves, it’s the one thing they struggled with the most. The motor vehicle authorities communicate only in Dutch and the procedure is litigious. Let us take the burden away. We will help throughout the process of obtaining a Dutch license plate including getting the needed tax exemptions and filling in needed tax declarations.
Car Import from EU Countries